Friday, December 29, 2006

The Hindu Patra


Author Swami Ram Charran uses Vedic Astrology codes to predict your past . present and future.....

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Unlike astrology or psychic guessing, reasonably intelligent people can understand the number CODES. It can be compared to mathematics because it works whenever it is applied and not when a superstitious application or interpretation is made. The HINDU PATRA can guide the life of an individual in sucha way that events can be anticipated directly, so as to avoid disappointments and failures in life. People will be able to directly tell when something will happen in their life. IT'S LIKE HAVING TOMORROW'S PAPER TODAY!
The HINDU PATRA provides accurate forecasts for the YEAR, THE MONTHS and THE DAYS . It provides also REMEDIES for NEGATIVE DAYS and advice for POSTIVE DAYS in the year. It tells which month is good for certain types of events in your life and whic are not good for such things as TRAVEL, WEDDINGS, BUSINESS OPENINGS, HOUSE CLOSINGS, MOVING AND MORE...

The Life Code

Your Past, Present & Future

A New Edition By Author Swami Ram Charran

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Who are you? Where do you come from? Why are you here? What is your purpose? What karmas will you face? Can you change your destiny?All this and more is answered in the new LIFE CODE.The Vedic Code of Science is able to interpret your life as you experience it.
Unlike astrology or psychic guessing, reasonably intelligent people can understand the LIFECODES.It can be compared to mathematics because it works whenever it is applied and not when a superstitious application or interpretation is made. LIFECODES provide dramatic evidence that the trend or events that occur in the world or in the lives of individuals can be anticipated directly, so as to avoid disappointments, insecurity and failures in life. People will be able to directly tell when something will happen in their life. t\The LIFECODE can broaden your choices in life; IT'S LIKE HAVING TOMORROW'S PAPER TODAY!